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The Fixable Back Course
The Fixable Back Course
Start Here! (9:22)
Why Back Pain Happens (8:55)
How to get the most out of this course (6:08)
Using the "Power Tools" in this course (5:15)
Stretching "Quick Tips" (6:13)
Massage "Quick Tips" (7:24)
Lifestyle "Quick Tips" (16:10)
Exercise "Quick Tips" (4:48)
How to reintroduce activity quickly & safely (7:49)
Here Are The Exercises! (The "Power Tools")
Doorway Hamstring Stretch (8:08)
Hip Stretch (on floor) (4:16)
Standing Quad Stretch (3:42)
Standing Calf Stretch (4:20)
Foam Rolling IT Bands (5:03)
Foam Rolling Hips (5:43)
Foam Rolling Quads (4:15)
Quad Massage With Forearm (4:07)
BONUS: Buddy-Massage for Hip! (5:11)
Easier Versions of the "Power Tools" (If you're unable to do the ones above!)
Prop-A-Leg Hamstring Stretch (3:11)
Supported Toe Touch (3:19)
Waiter's Bow Ham Stretch (3:46)
Seated Hip Stretch on Bed (3:18)
Hip Stretch on Back in Bed (4:05)
Quad Stretch in Bed (3:23)
Kneeling Quad Stretch (3:49)
Softball Massage for the Hip (4:59)
Easy tricks to hurt less during your day!
Sit-To-Stand Trick (1:47)
In & Out of Bed Trick (1:25)
Putting On Shoes & Socks (1:52)
Frequently Asked Questions!
How to tell if you're fixing your back (2:25)
How long before my back is pain-free? (3:59)
What if I have pain during a stretch or exercise? (4:15)
What if my pain changes or moves around? (3:09)
What if I'm afraid to move because I don't want to make it worse? (4:00)
Is my back hurting because I'm getting older? (3:58)
Did I get my back pain from my parents? (3:38)
Is sitting bad for my back? (3:16)
What if I have a disc injury? (5:56)
What if my pain comes back? (4:10)
What if I have sciatica? (4:38)
How to keep your pain from coming back (2:41)
Seated Hip Stretch on Bed
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